(Music: Dagfinn Koch, Lyrics: Malin Kjelsrud(
I am having a hard time getting out of bed,
its all due to an aching head.
I can’t recall all that happened last night
And now I am sick, sober and sorry.
Today I woke up with a sigh of relief
In my own bed not seeing a strangers face
It could have gone oh so bad
But I’m sick, sober and sorry
I promise myself: never drink again
But I know that’s just self-deception
I know who I am. I feel pretty mellow
I always regret, but I’m alive
Maybe next time I’ll meet someone special
And a velvet wine’ll help me smile
But right now I’ll drink a beer to repair
‘cause I’m sick, sober and sorry
I need a shower
I’d kill for a burger
The fridge is empty
The light’s too bright
My cellphone is gone
The money is spent
I don’t remember
How I got home